CHP energy systems can take on many forms:
Larson is experienced in all forms of CHP energy systems. Larson provides the advantage of an in-depth understanding of process energy needs and will optimize a CHP system to fit your economic requirements without sacrificing process reliability.
Complete feasibility study and detailed design of a 40 MW CHP facility
Heat balance cycle optimization for a 1 million pounds per hour CHP steam system
HRSG for 1600 psig / 1000°F steam conditions
Complete steam distribution system modeling with pressure drops and pipe stress analysis
Multiple gas turbine generator evaluations
Complete engineering services
Feasibility studies and economic analysis
Cost estimates
Equipment specification and evaluation
Heat balance cycle design and optimization
Emissions permitting assistance
Fuel feed system design
Registered in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Mexico, 9 Canadian Provinces and all 3 territories
Georgia - Norcross
Jason Carlson P.E.
Matt Taube P.E.