Blast Resistant Design

Larson Engineering is experienced in the structural design of blast resistant façades. We have provided blast resistant design for both domestic and international projects. Our experience includes the design of government building façades for the General Services Administration, Veterans Administration and the United States Department of Defense. In addition, we have provided blast resistant design services for commercial building facades. Our experience includes new façade design and recladding existing buildings for blast protection.

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Blast resistant design of façades for government and commercial projects

Blast resistant design for the recladding of existing buildings

Design of curtain wall test specimens and attendance at full-scale blast mock-up tests

Design of façade systems for military office and housing facilities based on Department of Defense Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)

Blast resistant design of federal courthouse façades in compliance with Interagency Security Committee (ISC) security design criteria

Veterans Administration hospital façade systems using Veterans Administration security design criteria

National and international projects

Over 35 years of structural design for curtain wall systems


Preliminary system review and design development

Design of mock-up test wall

Blast resistant design for custom unitized curtain wall

Design of stick-built and storefront systems for blast loading

Blast resistant design of fixed and operable window systems

Design of door and entry systems for blast loads

Blast resistant design of aluminum panel systems

Design of security louvers to resist blast loads

Design of glass units utilizing WINGARD PE

Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) dynamic analysis for blast loads

Structural calculation submittal package

Structural design assistance with field installation issues and on-site structural modifications

Registered in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Mexico, 9 Canadian Provinces and all 3 territories



Arizona - Scottsdale
Kirk Smith, P.E.

Illinois - Chicago
Melissa Gradecki, S.E., P.E.

Minnesota - White Bear Lake
Rachel Schulz, S.E., P.E.

Missouri - St. Louis
Erin Scarfino, P.E.

New York - New York
Steve Sletten, P.E.

Washington - Seattle
Josh McCluskey, P.E.

Wisconsin - Appleton
Kevin Wisniewski, S.E., P.E.